
Re-Nutriv Diamond

CLIENT: Estée Lauder
PRODUCT: Re-Nutriv Diamond
WHAT WAS THE GOAL? Convey luxury, transformation and energy
HOW DID BLUEDGE MEDIA APPROACH THIS PROJECT? Estee's Art Director and BluEdge Media digital artists sat together to create a visual that spoke to their message. The jar has an original carved bottom that was used to project out prisms of light. The diamond suggests quality and timelessness, covering Estee's desire to portray luxury. The concept of energy and transformation was made possible through a beautiful pattern of light. BE Media artists performed a mix of CG and retouching to achieve this look.
WHAT WAS THE OUTCOME? A final image that represented luxury, communicated energy, and stayed true to the vision of the art director.
TAKEAWAYS FROM THE BLUEDGE MEDIA TEAM: Client/artists relationships are so important. End-to-end communication makes all the difference, as is having a plan that is firm but flexible to leave room for creativity.
Want more? Read another case study to learn about our color balancing and photo merging work for Samsung. Click here!